Manipulated Photographs - Merged Together With Photoshop 

I decided to manipulate my photographs on photoshop by merging 2 or more photos together using layers and opacity. I like these images as it shows more than one emotion at once merging all the feelings that come for the word discord. In one of the images i experimented with colour to see if it could change the audiences perception of the feeling, for example the colour blue glowing around the photograph of a girl crying. Although i like this experiment i don't think i'll be using this idea for my final piece.


Manipulated In Photoshop 

In photoshop i have been experimenting with colour and feelings and seeing weather colour can change your opinion of the feeling in the photograph. Below i have associated red with anger, black with fear and blue with sadness. Personally i think this colour change does help make the emotion seem stronger which in my opinion makes this a success. I will be using colour in the future of this project working towards my final piece.