Definition Of Discord

Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things.
Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement. 
A conflict involving armed forces: a nuclear confrontation.Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas: an age of ideological confrontation.

A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.

SYNONYMS  discord, strife, contention, dissension, conflict, clash, variance. These nouns refer to a state of disagreement and disharmony. Discord is a lack of harmony often marked by bickering and antipathy: family discord. Strife usually implies a struggle, often destructive, between rivals or factions: political strife.Contention suggests a dispute in the form of heated debate or quarreling: lively contention among the candidates. Dissension implies difference of opinion that disrupts unity within a group: rampant dissension among the staff. Conflict suggests antagonism of ideas or interests that often results in hostility or divisiveness: conflict between smoking and nonsmoking factions. Clash involves irreconcilable ideas or interests: a personality clash. Variance usually suggests discrepancy or incompatibility: actions at variance with his principles.

My Inital Thoughts And Ideas 

In this project id like to photograph people as i haven't so far in A2 photography. My first thought when thinking of Discord is posture.. Does the way people stand and move show there emotions? 
I then thought of emotions, mainly facial emotions and how colour could affect mood and change the eyes perception of the photograph. For example a photograph of a women standing, with a tint of yellow in the photograph she could appear to be happy but when the tint is changed to red does this change the viewers perception? Does the women now appear to be angry? 

Colour Association

Colours are good means to convey emotions. although there is a psychology of colours and some of them have universal emotional effects, in most cases their meanings and culture dependent.
the emotions associated to some colours have a strong cultural component. for example in China death is linked to green while in most other parts of the world death is linked to the colour black. In other contexts green is linked to envy. Red means good luck in China while most others associate it with anger or love.. 
Colours are typically divided into warm colours and cool colours. Warm being (reds and Oranges) and cool being (blues and greens).

White: purity and cleanness

Black: death, sadness, power and rebellion
 Red: danger, excitement, fire and passion
Purple: wealth, royalty, sophistication and intelligence
Blue: quietness, calm, truth and dignity
Yellow: Brightness, joy and happiness
Green: nature, fresh and health